PO Box 194, Kingsley, MI 49649
Phone: 231-263-2050
Email: manager@5stardrilling.com


Directional Drilling – From homeowners yards to crossing rivers, roads, swamps, woods and valleys, Go Trenchless!

Directional Drilling is a process where a pilot hole is drilled between two points along a predetermined route using a guided and steerable drill stem. At the end of the bore, a back reamer that will upsize the hole on the pullback is then attached along with the materials to be installed, eg pipes, cables and conduits. This is a highly sophisticated system of accurate, controlled boring and precise guidance of the drilling operation to avoid pre-located underground obstacles and existing services.This method can also be utilised for installing inclined bores and gradient bores for sewer and storm water pipes.

The very least amount of disruption and restoration.
You can install pipe(s) in areas where open-cut methods are not cost effective or they simply cannot be done. Road and highway crossings, wetland crossings, existing utilities, high water table, water crossings, railroad crossings, rough terrain, restoration factors.

Why Dig it, when you can drill under?
You don’t have to tear up the asphalt to put new underground water, cable, and electric lines in crowded areas. Now horizontal directional drilling goes under roads, driveways, wetlands, and other natural and man-made obstacles.

Work can be performed without traffic delays and tearing stuff up. Directional drilling does not usually require lengthy permitting processes — important as local and federal protection of land and resources increases.

Environmentally friendly


5 Star has a team of experienced plastic professionals ready to provide the right product and services for your project. Our trained fusion crews are available to install pipe, and fabricated items on your site, SAFELY. Pipe systems, pre-fabricated or free standing, installation, installation assistance, or consultation to help your crew with plastic expertise.

We provide the following services for our customers:

Installation Services

  • Plastic Pipe Systems Installation-Regional
  • Packaged Horizontal Direction Drilling of HDPE pipe/services available
  • Plastic Pipe Systems Repair
  • Electrofusion Installationv
  • Buttfusion

Open Trenching
Experienced in a wide variety of trench installations.

Cable Trenching and Plowing
Experienced in a wide variety of trencher, and plowing installations. …Call us today!

Under ground locating of utilities
When you just can’t find it. Call us to see if we can help.

Snow plowing & Snow removal.
For those winter months.

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